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Hearing Process

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  • A hearing with an administrative judge (AJ) is requested.

  • A hearing date will be set and the hearing will occur.

  • The administrative judge (AJ) will issue a decision within 180 days of receipt of the complaint file from the agency.

  • Within 40 days of receipt of the AJ's decision, the Agency will provide a final decision either accepting (in part or in whole) or rejecting the AJ's decision.

    If the Agency does not fully implements the AJ's decision, the Agency must file an appeal with the Commission.

    If the Agency does not provide a final decision, then the AJ's decision becomes the Agency's final decision.

    The final agency decision may be appealed to the Office of Federal Operations (OFO) within 30 days.  If you choose to appeal to the OFO, that begins the appeals process.

    You may also file a civil action in federal district court.