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Ariane Hegewisch

Institute for Women’s Policy Research

Ariane Hegewisch is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, an independent research institute in Washington, DC.  Her research addresses earnings inequality, occupational segregations, workplace discrimination, and work-life policies. She is currently directing IWPR’s program on Women’s Advancement and Retention in Construction and Manufacturing, and also leads IWPR’s work on equal pay. Most recently she completed a joint IWPR and  Time’s Up Foundation study on the financial costs experienced by individuals as a result of workplace sexual harassment.  

Hegewisch was a member of the 2015-2016 EEOC’s Select Taskforce on Workplace Harassment. She joined IWPR in 2008, and before then was a visiting scholar at the Center for WorkLife Law at UC Hastings School of Law. Prior to coming to the USA in 2001, she taught comparative European human resource management at Cranfield School of Management, a leading UK university business school. She began her career in local government in London as a policy advisor on sector strategies and women’s employment and training. She received a BSc Economics from the London School of Economics, and an MPhil Development Studies from the University of Sussex, UK.

Recent publications include A Future Worth Building: What Tradeswomen Say about the Change they Need in the Construction Industry,  Building a Better Future for Women in New Orleans Post-COVID-19: Opportunities in Skilled Trade and Technical Jobs, Here to Stay:  Black, Latina, and Afro-Latina Women in Construction Trades Apprenticeships and Employment, Paying Today and Tomorrow: Charting the Financial Costs of Workplace Sexual Harassment and Child Care Supports For The Construction Trades: Building and Sustaining Diversity in Oregon.