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Shannon Breen Else

Systemic Lead Investigator, Denver Area Office

Meeting of March 20, 2013 - Development of a Quality Control Plan for Private Sector Investigations and Conciliations

Shannon Breen Else has been with the EEOC since July 2001. Ms. Breen Else began her career as an Investigator in the Chicago District Office. In March 2005, she transferred to the Denver Field Office under the Phoenix District Office. Ms. Breen Else was selected as the Phoenix District's Systemic Coordinator in January 2009. She was promoted to a Lead Systemic Investigator in December 2009.

As a Lead Systemic Investigator, Ms. Breen Else guides the systemic program in investigating large class cases involving policy, and pattern and practice cases that have a broad impact. Ms. Breen Else also assists all other systemic investigations within the Phoenix District, and collaborates regularly with other EEOC offices on their systemic cases nationwide. In addition, she presents and trains Investigators nationwide on various systemic topics.

Ms. Breen Else graduated with honors from Michigan State University.